Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Potential for IWRM Application: Queensland, Australia


According to an article here, a major energy project could potentially impact future water supplies in Queensland, Australia. The project is to develop coal seam gas and could be worth over $30 billion, which would make it the most significant energy project in Queensland. One man who was interviewed stated his concern over possible impacts to farmland and underground water supplies when this project is put into place. The title of the article is "Water Supply Major Concern." With a title like that, I felt it was time to investigate this a little further to see what was being done to ensure sustainable water supply for both the local farmers, the environment, and the energy needs of the state. The opposition leadeJohn-Paul Langbroek said, "[The] onus will be on this State Government to ensure that all of the operating conditions are met by the industry to protect the communities, the farming land and water."


The Queensland government has set up a coal infrastructure task force with the purpose of developing a strategic plan "for the provision of infrastructure required to meet the needs of the Queensland coal industry over the next 20 years." The responsibilities of the taskforce are to:
  • oversee implementation of the Coal Infrastructure Program of Actions
  • develope a long-term (20 year) strategic infrastructure plan to identify coal infrastructure and related social infrastructure needed to support increased coal exploration, mining and export
  • work with coal seam gas (CSG) producers, local governments and other state government agencies to identify beneficial re-use options for coal seam gas water.
The third bullet is of interest because it could directly impact future water supplies. I looked into this a bit more and found the state has developed a policy to protect the environment and encourage the beneficial use of used coal seam gas (CSG) water. CSG operators are required to submit environmental management plans demonstrating how they plan to manage CSG water. The management plan must address 

  • quantity and quality of CSG water
  • proposed management of the water and criteria used to assess the management of this water
  • actions taken if the management was not effective
The main thrust of the management plan is to prevent salt (produced through the CSG process) to re-enter the environment.

The original article mentioned concern over the groundwater aquifers in Queensland due to future energy projects. I looked into the work being done by the state to manage the groundwater and found they produced an information portal, fact sheet on this website, and are currently developing a statutory framework to protect the groundwater resource. The portal provides information about the groundwater levels, quality, well production, and gas production volumes.


It appears the government is trying to be proactive in this process. This fact was not adequately portrayed in the article. I would like to give notice to these government efforts at this time but also suggest that more might be done in regards to a more integrated approach to future water resources of the area. Rather than look only at the effectiveness of the CSG management plans in dealing with salt content, they could look to see if there are ways to benefit all parties involved, including the environment. An IWRM approach would help the stakeholders involved take a step back and look at everyone and everything that is potential affected by the CSG projects. Could an energy project actually help farmers improve their water supply reliability through conjunctive use? Could farmers make some potentially beneficial trade-offs for CSG reuse water? Could environmental mitigation strategies be included in the CSG management plans?

I wonder if the Coal Infrastructure Task Force could consider these types of questions.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Good references for learning about IWRM and modeling

How do you incorporate the IWRM framework into modeling, planning, and decision-making? Before attempting to answer this question, it is a good idea to review what others have done about it. Below is a list of references that might help shed some light on the subject.

**Added in 2011:

Rahaman, Muhammad Mizanur and Vari, Olli. Integrated water resources management: evolution, prospects and future challenges. 2005. Integrated Water Resource Management, Vol. 1, Issue 1.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Building Strong Collaborative Relationships for a Sustainable Water Resources Future. National Report: Responding to National Water Resources Challenges. 2010

James, AJ. Institutional challenges for water resources management: India and South Africa. 2003. WHIRL Project Working Paper 7 (draft).

Hooper, Bruce. Integrated Water Resources Management: Governance, Best Practice, and Research Challenge. Universities Council on Water resource. Journal of Contemporary Water research & education, issue 135, pages 1-7 december 2006

**Original list:

Ahmad, S., & Prashar, D. (2010). Evaluating MunicipalWater Conservation Policies Using a Dynamic Simulation Model. Water Resour Management , DOI 10.1007/s11269-010-9611-2.

CH2M HILL, Franson Civil Engineers. (2007). Conceptual Analysis of Uinta and Green River Water Development Projects. Salt Lake City: CH2M HILL. http://www.riversimulator.org/Resources/USBR/UintaGreenRiverWaterDevelopmentReport.pdf

Costanza, R., & Ruth, M. (1998). Using Dynamic Modeling to Scope Environmental Problems and Build Consensus. Environmental Management Vol. 22, No. 2 , 183–195.

Elmahdi, A., Mainuddin, M., & Kirby, M. (2009). Water Balance Dynamic Simulation Model-WBDSim for Water Policy options Analysis. 18th World IMACS / MODSIM Congress. Cairns, Australia: http://mssanz.org.au/modsim09.

Federal Ministry of Education. (2010). Integrated Water Resource Management in the Lower Jordan Valley . Retrieved from http://www.bmbf.wasserressourcen-management.de/en/109.php

Grigg, N. S. (1996). Water Resources Management: Principles, Regulations, and Cases. New York: McGraw-Hill.

GWP, G. W. (2000). Integrated Water Resources Management, TAC Background Papers No. 4. Stockholm, Sweden: Global Water Partnership.

Hollocks, B. W. (1995). The impact of simulation in manufacturing decision making . Control Engineering Practice, Volume 3, Issue 1 , 105-112 .

International Water Association. (2010). Principles of Integrated Water Resources Management in Urban Areas. http://www.gdrc.org/uem/water/iwrm/1pager-01.html.

Islam, N. e. (2010). Callite: A California Central Valley Water Management Screening Model. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management .

Lillywhite, J. (2008). Performance of Water Supply Operations Measured by Reliability and Marginal Cost (Thesis). Salt Lake City: University of Utah.

Martinec, J. (1975). Snowmelt-Runoff Model for stream flow forecasts. Nordic Hydrology 6(3) , 145-154.

Mekong River Commission. (2010). Basin Development Plan. Retrieved from Mekong River Commission: For Sustainable Development: http://www.mrcmekong.org/programmes/bdp.htm

NeWater. (2009). Adaptive Integrated Water Resources Management (AWM): Explicitely addressing today's challenges. University of Osnabruck, Germany: NeWater.

NeWater. (2007). Adaptive Water Management: How to Cope with Uncertainty. NeWater, Policy Brief.

Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission. (n.d.). SOPAC Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. Retrieved 2010, from http://www.pacificwater.org/pages.cfm/resource-center/water-tools/iwrm-toolboxes-1/integrated-water-resource-management-planning-process.html

Rosbjerg, D., & Knudsen, J. (1983). Integrated water resources management within the Susa basin. Scientific Procedures Applied to the Planning, Design and Management of Water Resources Systems. Hamburg Symposium.

Rosenberg, D. E. (2008). Integrated Water Management and Modeling at Multiple Spatial Scales. University of California Davis.

S. R. Carpenter1, N. F. (1998). NONPOINT POLLUTION OF SURFACE WATERS WITH PHOSPHORUS AND NITROGEN. Ecological Applications , 559-568.

Simonovic, S., & Fahmy, H. (1999). A new modeling approach for water resources policy analysis. Water Resources Research, Vol. 35, No. 1 , 295-304.

Stave, K. A. (2003). A system dynamics model to facilitate public understanding of water management options in Las Vegas, Nevada. Journal of Environmental Management 67 , 303-313.

Tellinghuisen, S. (2010). Protecting the Lifeline of the West, How Climate and Clean Energy Policies Can Safeguard Water. Western Resource Advocates and Environmental Defense Fund.

UN-Water, F. a. (2010). UN Water. Retrieved September 2010, from http://www.unwater.org/statistics_use.html

USDA. (2008, November 11). An Advanced Modular Modeling Framework for Agricultural Systems and International Collaboration for Building Models of the Future. Retrieved 2010, from USDA Agricultural Research Service Unit Mission: http://www.ars.usda.gov/Main/docs.htm?docid=17727

Winz, I., Brierley, G., & Trowsdale, S. (2009). The Use of System Dynamics Simulation in Water Resources Management. Water Resources Management , 23.

WSSD, T. A. (2002). Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD).